
KavaMovies remembers which movies you want to see, you've seen, and you've got.

Click on a movie, and you will see several buttons beneath the movie poster. Click "Want to See," "Seen It," and/or "Got It" as appropriate for each movie.

In list view, KavaMovies shows checkboxes for each of these three options. This allows you to quickly tag your movies, and you can sort by these criteria as well by clicking the column headers.

What movie do you want to watch tonight? In the filter bar, click "Want to See", "Haven't Seen It," and "Got It" to see all the possibilities. Click a movie, and then click Play. When you've finished the movie, click the "Seen It" button and uncheck "Want to See" — unless it was so good you want to see it again!

Maybe you're not up for a new movie and you'd prefer an old favorite instead. Click "Want to See," "Seen It," and "Got It" to see all the movies you could watch again tonight.

Time to expand your collection. What movies do you want to buy and/or download? Click "Want to See" and "Haven't Got It" to see some movies you want to get. Click a movie, then click the toolbar button for Amazon to buy it on DVD, click iTunes to buy a digital copy, or click Torrent to download it.

When you click the Torrent button, a sheet will appear listing torrents that are available for download, sorted by the number of seeds. KavaMovies searches for torrents both by name and by IMDb number. Cilck the Download button, and the torrent will open in your favorite BitTorrent client, such as Transmission.