Getting Started

Choose File Add Movies in Folder and select a folder full of movies. (You can also drag a folder to the application icon.) KavaMovies will add each file in the folder to the database, choosing the movie that best matches the name of the file. This feature works best if each file's name is the same as the movie's title.

Choose File Add Movies from iTunes, and KavaMovies will add all your movies from iTunes. Since KavaMovies focuses on feature films, it will add all movies longer than an hour. It will also add the movies for all of your soundtracks. This feature imports data like location, file type, rating, date added, date seen, etc.

You can also import your DVD collection from programs like Delicious Library and DVDpedia using the File Import menu. Select a data export from one of those programs and KavaMovies will import all your movies, along with data like format, rating, etc.