Link preferences

If you uncheck “follow links,” HyperImage will only download images from the starting page and won't follow links to other pages.

You can choose to only follow links to pages in the same folder, on the same server, or in the same domain as the starting address. For example, if the starting address is and you choose pages in the same folder, it will only follow links to pages in the folder /imac/. If you choose pages on the same server, it will only follow links to pages from If you choose pages in the same domain, it will also follow links to pages from servers like

You can choose to include or exclude pages whose addresses contain certain words. For example, if you exclude the worlds news and support, HyperImage will not follow links to pages that are so-named. Or if you include the words imac and ipod, it will only follow links to pages that include those words in the address.

You can also choose to include or exclude pages with certain file extensions. For example, you can include the extensions html and php, or exclude the extensions asp and jsp.

If you set the maximum number of links to follow, HyperImage will only follow links to pages that are reachable from the start page by following at most that number of links. For example, suppose you start with page1.html, which links to page2.html, etc. If you set the maximum number of links to four, then HyperImage will download images from page5.html but not page6.html.

If you check “download pages,” HyperImage will also save HTML files. This is useful if you want to save an entire website to your computer so that you can browse offline.

Here are good settings to use if you are getting too few or too many images.